You may use the VMware PowerCLI cmdlet below to power on a VMware virtual machine.
You may use the VMware PowerCLI cmdlet below to power on a VMware virtual machine.
You may use the following VMware PowerCLI cmdlet to create a snapshot of a virtual machine (VM) in VMware.
New-Snapshot -VM HOSTNAME -Name “<<>>” -Description “<<>>”
You may use the following VMware PowerCLI script to exit a VMware ESXi host out of maintenance mode.
<# .SYNOPSIS This script will exit a VMware ESXi host out of maintenance mode. .DESCRIPTION This script will exit a VMware ESXi host out of maintenance mode. .EXAMPLE Set-VMHost -VMhost HOST.DOMAIN.COM -State Connected. .AUTHOR Written by Noel Enrique Alvarez on Monday, April 15, 2019. #>
#Request the hostname of the VMware ESXi host
$HOSTNAME = Read-Host “What is the hostname of the VMware ESXi host?”
#Exit the VMware ESXi host out of maintenance mode
Set-VMHost -VMhost $HOSTNAME -State Connected
#End of script
You may use the following VMware PowerCLI script to place a VMware ESXi host in maintenance mode.
<# .SYNOPSIS This script will place a VMware ESXi host in maintenance mode. .DESCRIPTION This script will place a VMware ESXi host in maintenance mode. .EXAMPLE Set-VMHost -VMhost HOST.DOMAIN.COM -State Maintenance. .AUTHOR Written by Noel Enrique Alvarez on Monday, April 15, 2019. #>
#Request the hostname of the VMware ESXi host
$HOSTNAME = Read-Host “What is the hostname of the VMware ESXi host?”
#Place the VMware ESXi host in maintenance mode
Set-VMHost -VMhost $HOSTNAME -State Maintenance
#End of script
You may use the following VMware PowerCLI cmdlets to view all of the snapshots managed by vCenter Server or more specifically a cluster. These are sample commands and further information and documentation may be found here.
Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Format-List
Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Format-List VM, Name, SizeGB, Created, Description
Get-VM -Location “CLUSTER01” | Get-Snapshot | Format-List
Get-VM -Location “CLUSTER01”| Get-Snapshot | Format-List VM, Name, SizeGB, Created, Description
The script below will query the status of the service(s) specified in “C:\Scripts\VMware vCenter Server\Verify_Critical_Services.txt” on the local server. The output of the script will provide the name and status of the service(s) in a formatted list for your viewing. Additionally, it is recommended that the following services be queried as they are critical to the proper functioning of VMware vCenter Server 6.
This script will provide the name and status of the service(s) defined in “C:\Scripts\VMware vCenter Server\Verify_Critical_Services.txt”
This script will automate the process of providing the status of critical VMware vCenter Server 6 service(s) on the local server
Written by Noel Enrique Alvarez on Wednesday, November 22, 2017.
#Define the service(s) to query
$Services = Get-Content “C:\Scripts\VMware vCenter Server\Verify_Critical_Services.txt”
#Query the status of the service(s) in “C:\Scripts\VMware vCenter Server\Verify_Critical_Services.txt”
ForEach ($Service in $Services)
{Get-Service $Service |
Format-List -Property Name, Status}
VMware includes a great solution, templates, for consistent virtual machine deployments. A template is essentially a master image of a virtual machine that typically includes a guest operating system and applications. Using templates allows you to deploy virtual machines with a consistent configuration. Additionally, below is a step list of steps for creating a template.
The following is a step by step guide for remediating (i.e. patching) a VMware ESXi 6.0 host.
The following is a step by step guide for staging patches to VMware ESXi 6.0 hosts. This is a useful feature if your VMware ESXi 6.0 hosts are located across lethargic wide area network (WAN) links.
The follow is a step by step guide for performing a VMware vSphere Update Manager 6.0 scan on a VMware ESXi 6.0 host.
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