Category: Documentation

VMware ESXi 5.5 – Management Network Configuration

You may use the following method to configure the management network on a VMware ESXi 5.5 host.


1. On the VMware Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) press F2.


2. In the Authentication Required dialog box enter the root password then hit enter.








3. On the System Customization screen select Configure Management Network.


4. On the Configure Management Network screen verify the Network Adapters.


5. On the Configure Management Network screen select IP Configuration.


6. In the IP Configuration dialog box configure the static Internet Protocol (IP) address.










7. On the Configure Management Network screen hit Esc.


8. In the Configure Management Network: Confirm dialog box hit Y to apply the changes to the management network.









9. On the System Customization screen select Test Management Network.


10. In the Test Management Network dialog box enter up to (3) IP addresses to test network connectivity then hit Enter.















11. Verify that the IP address on the DCUI is correct.




VMware ESXi 5.5 – Interactive Installation

You may use the following method to perform an interactive installation and configuration of a VMware ESXi 5.5 host.

1. On the ESXi-5.5.0-20140902001-standard Boot Menu page select ESXi-5.5.0-20140902001-standard Installer.










2. In the Welcome to the VMware ESXi 5.5.0 Installation dialog box hit Enter to continue.








3. In the End User License Agreement (EULA) dialog box  hit F11 to accept the EULA.












4. In the Select a Disk to Install or Upgrade dialog box verify that the correct hard disk is selected then hit Enter to continue.










5. In the Please select a keyboard layout dialog box select US Default then hit Enter to continue.









6. In the Enter a root password dialog box enter a password then hit Enter.








7. In the Confirm Install dialog box hit F11.







8. In the Installation Complete dialog box hit Enter to reboot the server.










VMware ESXi 5.5 – Interactive Installation and Configuration Checklist

VMware ESXi 5.5 Installation

1. Verify that the host server’s BIOS hardware clock is configure to use UTC±0.

2. Select the correct disk to install VMware ESXi 5.5.

3. Select a keyboard layout.

4. Enter a password for the VMware ESXi root account.

5. Remove bootable media upon the completion of the installation.


Management Network Configuration

1. Configure the management network (with NIC teaming).

2. Test management network.

3. Verify the Internet Protocol (IP) address on the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) is correct.


Network Time Protocol (NTP) Configuration

1. Install the VMware vSphere client 5.5.

2. Configure NTP on the VMware ESXi 5.5 host.


Domain Name System (DNS)  and Routing Configuration

1. Configure the DNS servers using the VMware vSphere client 5.5.

2. Verify the default gateway is configured correctly.

3. Create Domain Name System (DNS) records for the host on your DNS server(s).

Microsoft – Infrastructure Planning and Design Guide Series

When you are implementing any technological solution it is important to plan properly. The Microsoft Infrastructure Planning and Design Guide Series is a great set of documents that will assist you in your planning.
