You may use the following Microsoft Exchange Management Shell (EMS) cmdlet to configure a Mailbox-Enabled User in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
Enable-Mailbox -Identity User
You may use the following Microsoft Exchange Management Shell (EMS) cmdlet to configure a Mailbox-Enabled User in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
Enable-Mailbox -Identity User
You may use the following Microsoft Exchange Management Shell (EMS) cmdlet to enter the product key for Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
Set-ExchangeServer –identity ‘<server>’ -ProductKey <product key>
The Send Connector in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 is am object that contains the configuration information for sending email from the Exchange organization. You may use the following commands in the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell (EMS) to configure a send connector for all outbound traffic.
New-SendConnector -name “Default Internet”
-AddressSpaces “*” -DNSRoutingEnabled $true
-SourceTransportServers “Server” -Usage Internet
You may use the following commands in the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell (EMS) to create and configure an email address policy in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
New-EmailAddressPolicy -Name PolicyName
-EnabledPrimarySMTPAddressTemplate “SMTP:%g.%[email protected]”
-IncludedRecipients AllRecipients -Priority 1 |
By default Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 configures a default accepted domain and email address policy using the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Microsoft Active Directory (AD) domain into which it is installed. If necessary, you may use the following commands in the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell (EMS) to create an SMTP domain for Microsoft Exchange Server 2016. Note that you may change the -MakeDefault value to $false if you do not want it to be used as the default SMTP domain for the email address.
New-AcceptedDomain -Name
-DomainName *
-DomainType authoritative |
Set-AcceptedDomain -MakeDefault $true
You may use the following command in Microsoft Exchange Management Shell (EMS) to associate the default Offline Address Book (OAB) with the mailbox database(s).
Get-MailboxDatabase | Set-MailboxDatabase -OfflineAddressBook “\Default Offline Address Book”
You may use the following commands to install the Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Mailbox Server role from the command line.
Setup.exe /PrepareSchema /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms
Setup.exe /PrepareAD /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms /OrganizaionName:
“<Organization Name>”
Setup.exe /mode:install /role:Mailbox /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms
After installing Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 you may access the Exchange Administration Center (EAC) using the https://localhost/ecp (from the server that is hosting the application) or https://<servername>/ecp (in this example it is
1. Enter in the web browser url address bar. Click Continue to this website (not recommended).
2. Enter your authentication credentials then click Sign in.
3. Select the appropriate Language: and Time zone: settings then click OK.
4. Now you are logged in.
This completes the process to login to the Exchange Administration Center (EAC).
In order to send emails to a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 distribution group from an external user uncheck the following setting in the properties of the distribution group.
Mail Flow Settings > Message Delivery Restrictions > Require that all senders are authenticated
You may use the following steps to install Microsoft Exchange Serer 2010 (Hub Transport, Client Access and Mailbox roles). The preinstallation tasks were completed in the previous (2) posts.
1. Run the SETUP.EXE file on the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 media.
2. On the screen below click Step 3: Choose Exchange language option then select Install only languages from the DVD.
3. Click Step 4: Install Microsoft Exchange.
4. On the Introduction screen click Next >.
5. On the License Agreement screen select the option that says I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next >.
6. On the Error Reporting screen select No and click Next >.
7. On the Installation Type screen select the Typical Exchange Server Installation option and click Next >.
8. On the Client Settings screen select No and click Next >.
9. On the Configure Client Access server external domain screen do not select the option that says The Client Access server role will be internet-facing and click Next >.
10. On the Customer Experience Improvement Program screen select I don’t want to join the program at this time and click Next >.
11. After the Readiness Checks screen completes successfully click Install.
12. On the Completion page verify that Exchange Server 2010 installed successfully (Successfully installed. No errors.). Then click View Setup Log to view the log then click Finish.
13. On the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 splash screen click Close.
14. Additionally, close the Exchange Management Console.
15. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command Get-ExchangeServer EXCHANGE01 | Format-List Name,Domain,Site,fqdn,ServerRole. In this example the hostname is EXCHANGE01 so you may need to substitute that value with the hostname that you have chosen. Additionally, verify that the output is similar to what you see below.
16. Lastly, restart the server.
This completes in the installation of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.
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