
  • Configure Development Environment
    • Install python interpreter
    • Confirm python installation
    • Execute python interpreter in interactive mode
    • Exit interactive mode
    • Create Python script
    • Execute python script
  • Variables, Data Types, and Operators
    • Define values for three numbers
    • Print values for three numbers
    • Define values for three strings
    • Print values for three strings
    • Print value for index 1
    • Print index 0 to 5
    • Print all indexes except 0
    • Define value for multi line string
    • Print multi line string
    • Define values for two strings
    • Print two f strings
    • Define values for two lists
    • Print values for two lists
    • Print index 1
    • Print index 1 through 3
    • Print values for list twice
    • Concatenate two lists
    • Edit index 1 of list
    • Print list
    • Remove first item from list
    • Insert item at specific index of list
    • Append item to end of list
    • Remove last item from list
    • Define values for tuple
    • Print tuple
    • Print index 1
    • Attempt to update index 1
    • Define values for new tuple
    • Delete tuple
    • Assign values for dictionary
    • Print dictionary
    • Print element/key of dictionary
    • Edit element/key of dictionary
    • Print element/key of dictionary
    • Delete element/key of dictionary
    • Print dictionary
    • Clear all elements of dictionary
    • Print dictionary
    • Delete dictionary
    • Define values for set
    • Print set
    • Add an element to set
    • Print set
    • Define blank set
    • Define integer
    • Print integer
    • Define float
    • Print float
    • Convert integer to string
    • Convert string to integer
    • Convert integer to float
    • Convert float to integer
    • Addition problem
    • Subtraction problem
    • Multiplication problem
    • Division problem
    • Floor division problem
    • Comparison operator equals
    • Comparison operator not equals
    • Greater than operator
    • Less than operator
    • Greater than or equal to operator
    • Less than or equal to operator
    • Define variables for three numbers
    • Logical operator (or)
    • Logical operator (and)
    • Logical operator (not)
    • Define variables for three numbers
    • Identity operator (is)
    • Identity operator (is not)
    • Define variable for number
    • Define variable for list
    • Identity operator (in)
    • Identity operator (not in)
  • Loops and Conditional Statements
    • Create python script
    • While loop
    • For loop
    • For loop with string
    • For loop with list
    • For loop with break
    • For loop with continue
    • For loop with pass
    • If, elif, else
    • Nested conditional
    • Conditional statement one line
  • Functions
    • Write architecture of function
    • Write function
    • Define variables
    • Call function
    • Write variable only accessible within function