You may use the script below in the Exchange Management Shell to list all public folders and their primary email address in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.

Query all of the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 public folders, provide their primary email address and write the output to a file.
Automate the output of the email addresses associated with the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 public folders.
Get-Mailpublicfolder | Format-List alias, emailaddresses | Out-File -filepath C:\Users\User01\Desktop\email.txt
Written by Noel Enrique Alvarez on Thursday, January 28, 2016.

#Request the name of the file.
$File = Read-Host “What will be the name of the file?”

#Query the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 public folders and provide the results in a text file
Get-Mailpublicfolder | Format-List alias, emailaddresses | Out-File -filepath <<<INSERT PATH>>>\$File