You may use the VMware PowerCLI cmdlet below to power on a VMware virtual machine.
You may use the VMware PowerCLI cmdlet below to power on a VMware virtual machine.
You may use the following VMware PowerCLI cmdlet to create a snapshot of a virtual machine (VM) in VMware.
New-Snapshot -VM HOSTNAME -Name “<<>>” -Description “<<>>”
You may use the following VMware PowerCLI script to exit a VMware ESXi host out of maintenance mode.
<# .SYNOPSIS This script will exit a VMware ESXi host out of maintenance mode. .DESCRIPTION This script will exit a VMware ESXi host out of maintenance mode. .EXAMPLE Set-VMHost -VMhost HOST.DOMAIN.COM -State Connected. .AUTHOR Written by Noel Enrique Alvarez on Monday, April 15, 2019. #>
#Request the hostname of the VMware ESXi host
$HOSTNAME = Read-Host “What is the hostname of the VMware ESXi host?”
#Exit the VMware ESXi host out of maintenance mode
Set-VMHost -VMhost $HOSTNAME -State Connected
#End of script
You may use the following VMware PowerCLI script to place a VMware ESXi host in maintenance mode.
<# .SYNOPSIS This script will place a VMware ESXi host in maintenance mode. .DESCRIPTION This script will place a VMware ESXi host in maintenance mode. .EXAMPLE Set-VMHost -VMhost HOST.DOMAIN.COM -State Maintenance. .AUTHOR Written by Noel Enrique Alvarez on Monday, April 15, 2019. #>
#Request the hostname of the VMware ESXi host
$HOSTNAME = Read-Host “What is the hostname of the VMware ESXi host?”
#Place the VMware ESXi host in maintenance mode
Set-VMHost -VMhost $HOSTNAME -State Maintenance
#End of script
You may use the following VMware PowerCLI cmdlets to view all of the snapshots managed by vCenter Server or more specifically a cluster. These are sample commands and further information and documentation may be found here.
Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Format-List
Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Format-List VM, Name, SizeGB, Created, Description
Get-VM -Location “CLUSTER01” | Get-Snapshot | Format-List
Get-VM -Location “CLUSTER01”| Get-Snapshot | Format-List VM, Name, SizeGB, Created, Description
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