Category: Microsoft Windows Command Prompt

Amazon Web Services – AWS CLI Command Reference

You may use this link to access the documentation for the AWS CLI Command Reference. Additionally, according to the official AWS documentation “The AWS Command Line Interface is a unified tool that provides a consistent interface for interacting with all parts of AWS.”

Amazon Web Services – Configure Password Policy with AWS CLI

You may use the following command from the AWS Command Line Interface to configure the account password policy. This is an example configure and more information may be found here.

aws iam update-account-password-policy –minimum-password-length 8 –require-uppercase-characters –require-lowercase-characters –require-numbers –no-require-symbols –max-password-age 60 –hard-expiry –allow-users-to-change-password –password-reuse-prevention 24

Microsoft Windows Command Prompt – Configure Network Settings

You may use the following commands from the Windows command prompt to configure the IP address and DNS server of a server running Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard. You will need to modify the name of the network interface card, IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server.

interface ip set address name=”ethernet” static
interface ip set dns “ethernet” static
interface ip show config

Lastly, more information may be found here.